Introducing the new HYD GP42
— 25 Oct 2006

The Grand Prix 42 is a light displacement racing yacht characterised by high sail area to weight and high sail area to wetted surface area ratios and a low centre of gravity that will deliver high performance sailing both upwind and downwind and in all wind strengths.
The GP42 is similar in concept and has similar performance characteristics to the TP52 class, but comes at a much more affordable price. Like the TP52 class, the GP42 is governed by a tightly controlled box rule with strict maximum and minimum limits to control hull, keel, rig and sail plan dimensions and stability. However, unlike the TP52 class, the GP42 class rule does not require IMS measurement procedures to assess stability and it is therefore much simpler as a result.
The Humphreys designed GP42 stems from an extensive research effort. A tank test programme has been undertaken and a detailed weather analysis has been performed for a range of typical Mediterranean venues. The hull structure has been engineered to meet the minimum class displacement and considerable weight optimisation has taken place in order to reduce the boats pitch gyradius.
For 2006/07 Humphreys Yacht Design have teamed up with Richard Faulkner Composites to offer a very competitively priced, high specification package.
Please contact us at for a full specification and price for the HYD GP42.