Guided tour of Vaquita on The Daily Sail
— 29 Nov 2013

Andreas Hanakamp gives James Boyd a tour of the new Humphreys designed Class 40 ‘Vaquita’. Click here to see this on The Daily Sail. Also below is Andreas’ latest blog as they enter into the last 500nm of the TJV:
The New Black Cloud Strategy (NBCS): Having not been too successful in negotiating black clouds recently (see doldrums desaster and recently being overtaken left by Campagne and right by ERDF) I saw the need for adopting a new black cloud strategy at the next opportunity. This morning the setup was right, a huge black cloud appeared in our pass and the NBCS plan executed. As the technocratic scientific approach did not work out so well, I decided to leave it to boat and autopilot and just dont touch anything to avoid the black cloud in our path. Instead I went on to interprete the abbreviation NBCS and found New Black Coffee Strategy! So down I went, fired up the kettle and brewed some really nice black coffee. By the time the coffee was poured, cooled and drunk we had alread passed half the cloud as the wind kindly headed us and carried us around the cloud. While washing up my mug I could watch the boat leave the cloud behind, pick up some nice waves and run with up to 18 knots of boat speed. Whether white clouds require white coffee remains to be checked and statistically verified. One thing can be said for sure already: Dont be too clever and don’t get involved too much in things you cant understand.