ON THE DRAWING BOARD: 60 metre Explorer Yacht
— 17 Jul 2005

60 metre Explorer Yacht concept rendering
Humphreys Yacht Design are currently developing a 60m Explorer Motor Yacht, acknowledging a growing demand in recent years from more adventurous owners and charterers for luxury vessels equipped to explore new cruising grounds, often substantial distances from the traditional blue water destinations. Such expeditions require yachts designed to handle a wide range of weather and sea conditions, and capable of achieving considerable ranges and a high level of self-sufficiency.
Notwithstanding the vessel’s functional requirements, the interior of the Explorer Motor Yacht has been imaginatively planned to create spacious and well-defined accommodation areas for up to twelve guests and fourteen crew. The owner’s stateroom is situated on the main deck level, giving him excellent visibility and a private terrace forward, plus the innovative feature of a retractable sea terrace with a stairway down to water level.
The extended deck space aft provides room for an outside gym as well as a helipad, and below this deck there is ample space to accommodate equipment for the various water-based and onshore activities that may be pursued, from a dive room to a 40 ft, high-speed tender. The vessel even has a dedicated beach area aft, with integral shower room and heads.
Humphreys has devoted considerable effort to the hull shape to produce a seakindly, powerful vessel, with particular emphasis on roll stability, and anticipate considerable interest in the design.